When you’re exercising to stay healthy, it’s easy to get bored of doing the same thing over and over again. Even if you like running on a treadmill for 30 minutes, at some point your motivation is going to flag. And that’s where adding in new exercises comes in handy.

Exercises to Improve Your Health

1. Play basketball

Basketball is a great full-body exercise that most people enjoy. It requires a lot of agility and coordination, which makes it fun as well as challenging.

2. Play tennis

Tennis is another great sport that many people enjoy partaking in on the weekends. You can play with friends or with some of your family members to make it even more fun and challenging – and can really get a lot out of the game.

3. Take dance classes

Taking dance classes is a fantastic exercise that involves your entire body, making it one of the best ways to keep in shape out there. You’ll love how it makes you feel after and you’ll find yourself looking forward to your next class.

4. Do martial arts

Martial arts are another great full-body exercise that will give you a great workout every single time that you take part in it. Whether you do karate or jujitsu, or some kind of mixed martial art, you’re going to love learning new skills and doing something different than what you normally do.

5. Exercise with a ball or medicine ball

Exercise balls are becoming more widely available these days, which means that they’re available at most good sporting goods stores as well as at most gyms near you. They’re great for doing exercises for your upper body and core, and will give you a fantastic workout. You can also use a medicine ball with your regular exercises to make them even more challenging.


The five exercises we’ve suggested are found in every gym in the country. If you want to be able to keep your body fit and healthy, then you can benefit from them. When you feel like having some fun, then use these exercises as a way to get that with less effort than most other things out there.