Swimming is one of the best ways to improve your health and well-being. It’s easy, low impact, and can be done almost anywhere. While swimming isn’t going to make you skinny overnight, it will give you a boost of energy that may last for a day or two. There are many benefits to swimming as well because it burns calories and provides a cardio workout.

1. It’s low impact and easy on the joints

Swimming is a gentle exercise that doesn’t put pressure on your joints, which makes it an ideal exercise for those with arthritis and other serious joint related health problems.

2. It offers a great cardio workout

Swimming is one of the best exercises you can do to improve your heart and lung health. It engages and creates strong muscle contractions in all areas of your body, which makes it a good cardiovascular exercise.

3. Improves strength and endurance

Swimming doesn’t require as much as an aerobic effort to burn calories – especially if you swim laps in a pool than if you’re in an active pool with water jets. However, swimming will develop muscular endurance and strength over time with consistent practice; regardless of how fast or slow you swim.

4. It’s a multi-tasking workout

Swimming isn’t as time consuming as other forms of exercise. You can also get some everyday tasks done while swimming like reading, doing your nails, or talking on the phone. Plus, it’s a great way to spend time with friends and family.

5. It helps reduce stress

Swimming helps reduce stress because the water can restore muscle balance and decrease stress hormones such as cortisol. Swimming is also an excellent form of meditation for people that are looking to relax after a long day at work or school.

6. It’s a perfect combination of fun and exercise

Swimming is fun and exciting as well as an effective form of exercise that you can do anywhere. So, it’s also a very social activity that provides a great way to spend time with family and friends – which helps relieve stress in the process.

7. It improves flexibility

Swimming is good for your health because it improves flexibility in your body; especially in your shoulders, neck, wrists, hands, ankles and knees among other joints that are affected by aging.

8. It burns calories

Swimming provides a great cardiovascular workout because it raises your heart rate and keeps it in a higher range for an extended period of time. If you switch the stroke between breaststroke, freestyle, butterfly, and backstroke, you’ll burn more calories than if you just do one stroke for the duration of your swim; which makes it a more efficient form of exercise.


There are many benefits of swimming because it’s easy to do, low impact on the joints and muscles, provides a great cardio workout, it gives you a boost of energy after exercising, and it helps prevent arthritis. There are many other reasons why swimming can increase your health; besides the obvious fact that it’s fun.