Everybody loves a good chicken salad, but many people have no idea how to make one. They are often disappointed when they buy a commercial container of the dish because it doesn’t taste anything like what they had in their past. The following article will teach you how to make chicken salad so that you never have to struggle through another meal at a restaurant again.

Tips for making a good Chicken Salad

1. Choose your chicken carefully: What kind of chicken you use is the most important part of making a good chicken salad. If you are buying a pre-cooked rotisserie chicken, then it makes things easier for you. These chickens are usually used in the best recipes and are delicious. If you don’t have access to one of these, then look for a fresh cooked whole chicken that has not been frozen or reheated.

2. Minimize the crumbs: Nobody wants to find crumbs in their food, especially if it is supposed to be a salad. Before serving, toss the salad at least once more to ensure that there are no hidden crumbs lurking in the dish.

3. Use the right dressing: Use a light dressing that complements the chicken salad and doesn’t overpower it. Stay away from creamy dressings or ones that have a heavy taste. When adding the dressing, add just enough to lightly coat the salad, but not too much to drown it in dressing.

4. Add crunchy toppings: Add in some crunchy toppings like nuts and fruit to your salad to add flavor and texture. It is also a great way to reduce the amount of crumbs in the dish as they are often situated on top of the dish instead of hidden below layers of chicken and vegetables.

5. Keep it simple: Don’t go too crazy with the ingredients. If you are having a dinner party, then this doesn’t apply to you as there will be more people to share the dish. But if you are preparing the chicken salad for just one person, then stick to your tried and true ingredients.

Bottom line

Chicken salad is popular for a reason. It is healthy, delicious, and satisfying. The article covered above should have taught you how to make chicken salad so that you never have to struggle through another meal at a restaurant again.