Extreme sports are the most exciting, most thrilling and the most adrenaline-pumping form of physical activity. It incorporates a wide range of elements including speed, height, distance, danger and environment to make it one of the best events for adrenaline junkies that love to take things to their limits.

What are some of Extreme sport

1. Bungee Jumping

Bungee jumping is considered to be the king of all extreme sports and the ultimate test of bravery. It involves jumping from a bridge or tower by strapping oneself to a harness which is connected to a long elastic cord. The jumper jumps off and free falls till the cord catches him/her which gives that incredible feeling of falling with only the thin string around you keeping you alive.

2. Skydiving

Skydiving is another amazing extreme sport in which one leaps out of an airplane on a parachute and free falls down to the earth. The entire experience is very thrilling, exciting and adventurous as one comes close to death for a few minutes before opening their chute .

3. Mountaineering

Mountaineering is a dangerous sport in which one climbs up mountain peaks with the help of ropes, crampons and ice axes. This sport helps to keep you fit and healthy and also increases stamina, endurance levels and your concentration power. It’s not an easy sport to master but if the climber is mentally prepared for it, then it becomes worth it when he reaches the summit.

4. Diving

Diving is another exciting extreme sport where one jumps into water from a high platform or cliff after learning how to handle skills like diving through tunnels, using knee-boards etc . The entire experience is very thrilling as you can see beneath from anywhere between 20-50 meters.

5. Hang gliding

Hang gliding is an amazing sport that involves flying an airplane, controlled by the pilot in flight, and riding it like a roller-coaster . This sport has many benefits including increasing confidence, concentration power, coordination skills etc. which helps in everything that you do. It’s extremely thrilling and gives you a feeling of accomplishment.

6. Flying machines: Acrobatic sports

This type of extreme sports is done by flying machines like hang gliders and small airplanes without any engines or propellers. Many acrobats jump off these flying machines with wings spread out to turn in mid air while performing flips etc . to land safely on the ground without hurting themselves or others.